OBJECT...The object of the game is to become a non-specialized participant in our community.

EQUIPMENT...The equipment consists of a gameboard, die, pawn, 2 gamecards and this rulebook.

PREPARATION...Place the gameboard on a flat surface and set the pawn on START. Have a pencil or pen and your gamecard within easy reach.

REASONS TO PLAY...In fun and play we recover the integral person, who in the workaday world or in professional life can use only a small sector of his being.

Games are popular art, collective, social reductions to the main drive or action of any culture.

Games are a way of adjusting to the specialized actions that occur in any social group.

As extensions of the popular response to the workaday stress, games become a faithful model of a culture.

Games are dramatic models of our psychological lives providing release of particular tensions.

Art, like games, became a mimetic echo of, and relief from, the old magic of total involvement.

HOW TO PLAY...Roll the die and move the pawn the designated number of television screens. Copy the message from this screen onto the first day of your gamecard. Don't forget to underline the subject of the message. Roll the die and move again. Transfer this television message onto the second day on the gamecard. Repeat this process until the calender is full. If you should reach the last television screen, continue your play at the beginning of the gameboard. Don't worry if the same message appears more than one time on your gamecard.

STRATEGIES OF PLAY...In-group exclusiveness and hostility towards outsiders.

Demand for total submission to the in-group, which alone can bring about good.

Categorization of people according to selected characteristics.

Promotion of the view that the world is a scene of unleashing conflict.

Toleration of enemies serves only to weaken the in-group and its struggles.

Belief in hostile conspiratorial forces, whose aim is to destroy the in-group.

Faith in a wholly harmonious society that can only be created by the in-group.

HOW TO DETERMINE YOUR SCORE...To score your gamecard, observe the news for a month. You can wait for the first of the month so that your gamecard will directly correlate with the upcoming month, or you can start immediately, in which case your gamecard represents the balance of the current month plus the beginning of the upcoming month.

If you find the entire message in the news (paper, TV, magazine, tabloid...) for the current day, make a tick mark in the MESSAGE box of the SCORE section. The message does not have to appear word-for-word to be considered correct. If you find only the subject of the message (the underlined word) in the news, make a tickmark in the SUBJECT box of the SCORE section.

After the month is completed, tally the score by giving two points for each correct MESSAGE and one point for each correct SUBJECT.

Table of contents

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This site was created by Robert D. Rice/The Digital Garage